
Paranoid Lyrics

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Paranoid Lyrics Song Info

Song:    Paranoid 
Artist:  Morrisson Ft. Ghetts
Release Date:  June 14, 2024

Paranoid Lyrics

[Verse 01: Morrisson]

Finging say I’m too black or they say
I’m too rud to do rap I should stick to
the road and guy do trap I nothing that
these rappers I’m a certified

man was a bad CHS on my Android if you
want a box then ring like a man FL yeah
you’re in a trap but I bet I’m in it
deeper about to take a flat I need a

visa I flew around the world and back
again L new plugs just to get the brick
cheaper right now on to me me cuz it’s
been a they bother me it’s been two

weeks 3 days and 1 hour and 33 seconds
they put a pair Cs on me anyway I swear
down moving
that definitely AFF the way moving and I

they kept on looking at my car like you
knew me stop telling me that I’m too
paranoid you can never be too paranoid
my paranoid you kept me alive and kept me

free for this long so why the [ __ ] would
I stop being paranoid huh paranoid
paranoid you can never be
to per you can never be TR my own

Shad you can never be
peroid paranoid be you paranoid don’t
trust my own shadow

[Verse 02: Ghetts]

I’m from the ruins
boy I’m paranoid from new boy two turn
offs before barking you got a circle to
block light three or four times before

parking look over your shoulder good
won’t be the quot if you jump at the
weapon and someone stood over your motor
I think my Bri’s plotting I think my

girlfriend’s cheating I think that boy
they snitched and I think my accountants
feing I should really go round it this
evening parano Sav my life I’ve done

seen it that’s why I never question I
got feeling as long as drug sell when
it’s gun squeezing this man better watch
his back and front season get Mor reg

and streaky who’s got a problem never
been easy isn’t it over your space on
how long I’ve been dominant amongst all
these wrongs and Pie everyone’s gas

around there seems gases as common as be
that’s why paranoia is a prominent feel
I’m parano parano I even trust myself
trust myself I’m paranoid paranoid I

can’t even trust my girl she’s but I
know she’s cheating she got to the end
but I know she she don’t need no one but
I know she needs got her own bread but I

know she’s greedy I think I’m too
paranoid I think I’m over thinking can’t
sleep too [ __ ] busy over thinking all
I do is think think think think think

till I start finding problems that was
never even existence a problem I problem
that was never there now I’m saying

things that was never there and I’m me
things never
said I just think

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Paranoid Lyrical Video - Morrisson Ft. Ghetts