
I Should Call Lyrics

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I Should Call Lyrics Song Info

Song:   I Should Call
Artist:   Shordie Shordie
Released:    Sep 14, 2024

I Should Call Lyrics

been in the in with
ass like I know up I got to go call and
say I miss you and I’m going crazy I
should call and tell you you Su when I

have a baby I should call and tell you
baby I’m cor you should come get me I
call tell you I don’t want to cuz it’s too
l i tell I call and tell you I call and

tell you I call tell
you I call and tell you
ain’t about yours about mine all the
they don’t want to

be like I want to go with you
bring got uping you with
I’m I’m I’m trying to she all I think
let me I’m trying to she to watch I told

her watch H my house again your house my
house again can’t put me out again I
should call and say I miss and I’m going
crazy I should call and tell you you got

your summer when I have a baby I should
call and tell you baby I’m around cor
you should come I tell I don’t to CUO
L I should call and tell you I should

call and tell you I should call and tell
you I and tell
you I and tell you
I’m around here come come right

here I should call you and tell you
like got a baby I should call and tell
you yeah on the summer
time I should call and tell you like

yeah come I’m
ready I ain’t ready to go around there
like it’s too much going on I ain’t
ready to go around there we can do

whatever we want to do after this
situation he says I’m sorry I burnt this
like was my songbeen in
the in with

ass like I know up I got to go call and
say I miss you and I’m going crazy I
should call and tell you you Su when I
have a baby I should call and tell you

baby I’m cor you should come get me I
call tell you I don’t want to cuz it’s too
l i tell I call and tell you I call and tell
you I call tell

you I call and tell you
ain’t about yours about mine all the
they don’t want to
be like I want to go with you

bring got uping you with
I’m I’m I’m trying to she all I think
let me I’m trying to she to watch I told
her watch H my house again your house my

house again can’t put me out again I
should call and say I miss and I’m going
crazy I should call and tell you you got
your summer when I have a baby I should

call and tell you baby I’m around cor
you should come I tell I don’t to CUO
L I should call and tell you I should
call and tell you I should call and tell

you I and tell you I and tell you
I’m around here come come right
here I should call you and tell you
like got a baby I should call and tell

you yeah on the summer
time I should call and tell you like
yeah come I’m
ready I ain’t ready to go around there

like it’s too much going on I ain’t
ready to go around there we can do
whatever we want to do after this
situation he says I’m sorry I burnt this like was my song

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I Should Call (Official Video) - Shordie Shordie