- lyricssy
- April 16, 2024
- Mexican Lyrics

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De Colores Song Info
Song: De Colores Lyrics
Artists: The Rise and Shine Band, Shine Band, Raffi
Album: Raffi in Concert
Released: 1989
De Colores Lyrics With Translation
De colores se visten los campos en la primavera
De colores
De colores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera
De colores
De colores es el arcoíris que vemos lucir
De muchos colores me gustan a mí
Y por eso los grandes amores
De muchos colores me gustan a mí
Canta el gallo con el quiri-quiri-quiri-quiri-quiri
La gallina
La gallina con el cara-cara-cara-cara-cara
Los polluelos
Los polluelos con el pio-pio-pio-pio-pi
De muchos colores me gustan a mí
Y por eso los grandes amores
De muchos colores me gustan a mí
In colors, the fields drape
themselves in profusion of colors in
In colors, in colors the young birds
arriving from afar
In colors, in colors the brilliant
rainbow we spy
And that’s why the great love of
infinite colors is pleasing to me
And that’s why the great love of
infinite colors is pleasing to me.
The rooster sings, the rooster sings
with a cockle doodle do
(kiri, kiri)
The hen, the hen with a cluck, cluck,
(kara, kara)
The baby chicks, the baby chicks
with a cheep, cheep, cheep
(pio, pio)
And that’s why the great love of
infinite colors is pleasing to me
And that’s why the great love of
infinite colors is pleasing to me
(translated by Abby F. Rivera 1/05)

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