
Ghosts and Goodbyes Lyrics

Ghosts, and Goodbyes

Released: Aug, 2024

Discover the “Ghosts, and Goodbyes Lyrics & Tracklist” by Umair & Talha Anjum, a profound exploration of emotions and experiences. This album captures the essence of heartfelt goodbyes and lingering memories, with each track delivering powerful lyrics and captivating beats. Dive into the creative world of Umair & Talha Anjum as they weave stories of love, loss, and reflection through their music. Perfect for those who appreciate meaningful lyrics and innovative soundscapes, this album is a must-listen. Don’t miss out on the full “Ghosts, and Goodbyes Lyrics & Tracklist” for an unforgettable musical journey.

Ghosts, and Goodbyes Lyrics and Tracklist

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Ghosts, and Goodbyes Tracklist - Umair & Talha Anjum